Install A2enmod Fedora

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Ustanovka-Open-Source-Social-Network-na-Ubuntu-16.04-logo.png' alt='Install A2enmod Fedora' title='Install A2enmod Fedora' />Cloud Setup Guide Refu. Geeksown. Cloud is a superb cloud syncing service that you can run on your own hardware. With the recent release of own. Cloud version 5 this seemed like the perfect time to publish an own. Cloud setup guide for you guys to follow, we hope you enjoy it. Setting up an own. Cloud server isnt the easiest process to do so I wouldnt recommend any one to undertake this unless you are using a spare machine that you dont mind completely breaking in terms of software or if you are not comfortable in a Linux command shell. Whilst Ive tried to make this own. Cloud setup guide as easy to follow as possible, it does assume a certain level of knowledge. So lets get startedWhat you need. Ok, first things first. Lets look at what you will need in order to get your own. Cloud server up and running. In this article, we will explain how to install and set different versions of PHP PHP 5. Ubuntu with most required PHP extensions. OwnCloud is a great cloud syncing service. This ownCloud setup guide will show you how to setup ownCloud stepbystep. Whilst this ownCloud setup guide is. Shellinabox With Apache Authentication Over HTTPS 443 shellinabox is an amazing webbased SSH client. It is very handy if you are not on a machine with. There are a number of things you need, namely the hardware required. Here is a full list A spare machine to install own. Cloud on. Enough hard drive space to fit all of your cloud files and the operating system. A good quality internet connection so that syncing is quicker this isnt a requirement but it helps. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. This tutorial shows you how to install NextCloud on Debian 9 with LAMP stack. NextCloud is a free and opensource selfhosted cloud storage solution. NextCloud is a Dropboxlike solution for selfhosted file sharing and syncing. Installing NextCloud on Ubuntu is trivial, learn how to do it todayA cabled internet connection again, this isnt a requirement but it will speed things up considerably over wireless. A usb stickCD pre loaded with Ubuntu Server Edition. I would recommend 1. LTS x. 64. Access to your firewallrouter to make changes to the rulebase. Ok, we now have everything we need to get started. Well start by setting up own. Cloud on the machine. Please note  this own. Cloud setup guide assumes you will be using your machine only as an own. Cloud server so all data will be wiped from the machine. Im not going to give you step by step instructions on how to install the operating system, however this guide may help if youre unsure. Simply follow the on screen prompts until you are asked to setup the partitions on your hard drive. Once you get to the point of setting up your partitions you will need to set it up as follows A 1. GB EXT4 partition mounted as root. This will be for the operating system and boot record. It needs to be made bootable. A SWAP partition. The size of this will change depending on the amount of RAM you have. If you have more than 4. GB then I wouldnt say you need a SWAP partition. If you have 2. GB RAM, then setup a 2. GB SWAP partition, if you 1. GB RAM then setup 3. GB SWAP etcAn EXT4 partition mounted as var. This will take up the rest of your storage space as this is where own. Cloud will store all your data. Ensure that all partitions have the format flag checked. Once done, your partition window during Ubuntu Server setup will look something like below. Please note that these screenshots are taken on a virtual machine so the var partition size will probably be a lot smaller than what you will have. Once the base installation of Ubuntu Server is installed you will be asked to configure roles on the server. This is done by using the updown arrows and using the space bar to select a role. You need to select Open. SSH LAMP Linux, Apache, My. SQL PHP as per the screenshot below At this point you will be asked to set a root password for My. SQL. It is very important that you remember this password as you will need it later. For security reasons I would recommend that you set a different password to your user password. Thats it, you should now have a working Ubuntu Server. From here on you can connect to the servers command line interface via SSH using an application like Pu. TTY, just run an ifconfig on the server to get its IP address. So lets move on to the next step. Install Webmin. Now were going to install Webmin on our server. The reason Ive added this to the own. Cloud setup guide is because Webmin gives you an easy to use web interface so that you can easily manage your server from your browser. I personally love this application as this coupled with SSH access gives you fantastic control over your machine. Installing Webmin is extremely easy, just run the three commands below the first command installs some pre requisites required for Webmin to work. Once Webmin is setup you can connect to it using https ipaddress 1. For this, use your local user account credentials that you setup during the Ubuntu Server setup process. Once logged in you will see a screen similar to the one below. Webmin is now setup and you will be able to manage your server through your web browser as well as via SSH. Installing own. Cloud. Now were ready to install own. Cloud. This is a very simple process. All you need to do is download the compressed file, extract it to your home folder and then move it to  varwww. You can do this by command line or via Webmin. You can download the own. Cloud version 5 package from here, then upload it, extract and move within Webmin. Or you can run the commands below via SSH. R www data www data varwwwowncloudsudo etcinit. Once thats done you should be able to navigate to http ipaddressowncloud and you will be confronted with the own. Cloud configuration screen. All you need to do here is setup an admin account, give your SQL database a name I would suggest something simple like owncloud, set the location of your data default is varownclouddata you can change this if you wish and insert your My. SQL root username and password that you entered during the Ubuntu Installation earlier. You will then be logged in and own. Cloud is setup successfully  What we need to do now is configure own. Cloud to be more secure and also setup public assess to the server from the Internet. Configuring own. Cloud. Now that youve followed our own. Cloud setup guide you need to configure your own. Cloud instance so that you have users, quotas and also big files. Big files should be setup if you wish to sync large files like movies. This is simple to do, you can follow this guide and use Webmin to download, edit, and upload the PHP. Now you need to setup your users and their quotas. To do this, click on your username in the top right hand corner and select Users from the dropdown menu. You can then configure your users and their quotas very easily. Here is a screenshot from my own. Cloud server At the moment the new local encryption isnt really supported in own. Cloud 5, but it is set to come by April. For now though, you can always encrypt the entire hard drive using a tool like True. Crypt. From here on, I would suggest that the best way to get to know own. Cloud is to explore, the GUI is extremely well made and easy to use. Most users will work out how to do things within a matter of minutes. If you get stuck, then there is always the own. Cloud community forums who have been very helpful for me in the past. Configuring your Firewall Network Card. Myst Uru Live more. You need to give your server a static IP address. This will ensure that if you ever need to reboot your own. Cloud server, it will always keep the same IP address and your NAT rules will always work. The easiest way of doing this is through Webmin. To do this go to Networking Network Configuration Network Interfaces. You will then see a screen a lot like this Now you need to click on the eth. You need to select Static configuration and then give your machine an IP address and subnet mask, once complete, click the Save and Apply button. You now need to configure routing on the server, to do this click on Network Configuration on the left tree again and select Routing and Gateways.